The Holy Spirit Revealing Himself

Every ZOE class, we welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide us and show us what He wants to reveal to us. He never lets us down and is always present. On one occasion we were praying fervently and everyones heads were bowed. There was such internet connection interference, that it distracted from the prayer. My co-facilitator Derdré and I looked up at one another in wonder…we both new it was the Holy Spirit revealing himself to us. The noise we heard was like a dove cooing. We just smiled at each other and bowed our heads again. We’d just read in the class about the Holy Spirit revealing Himself in the form of wind, fire, water and a dove. Miracles happen all around us all the time but we don’t recognise them. We don’t realize that the Holy Spirit is trying to get our attention!
In another class two of the ladies were sharing their testimony on how the Holy Spirit had spoken to one of them about buying flowers for the other. The flowers purchased turned out to be those from her wedding and they spoke to her significantly during a rough period in her marriage. The Holy Spirit had orchestrated the whole thing!
Natasha G.